03. Working with the Simulator

Welcome to the Uda-City Simulator

Upon launching your OS executable, you will land on the following screen.

The dialogue box presents you with two choices: (1) DL Training and (2) Follow Me!. DL Training is used to gather the training data - more on this later. The Follow Me! option is how you will evaluate the quality of your trained network!

When you are active in the simulator you can use the following keyboard controls:

L: Turns the legend with the control information on and off

H: Enables and disables local control of the quad

WSAD/Arrows: Moves the quad around when local control is on

E/Q: Rotate the quad clockwise and counterclockwise respectively

Space/C: Increase and decrease the thrust of the quad when local control is on

Scroll wheel: Zooms the camera in and out

Right mouse button (drag): Rotates the camera around the quad

Right mouse button (click): Resets the camera

Middle mouse button: Toggle patrol and follow mode

G: Reset the quad orientation

F5: Cycle quality settings

/: Path display on/off

ESC: Exit to the main menu

Crtl-Q: Quit

Now that we have gone over some of the controls let's explore data collection and processing!